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[C Lang] Sorting Algorithm BenchMark 더보기
[C Lang] Data Structure + Algorithm in C language Data Structure + Algorithm in C language Sometimes I upload source codes about data structure and algorithm examples on My Github. So if u interest in it, feel free to visit and modify the codes.And i'm also a newb in data structure and algorithm, so if there would be any bugs what i can't find or fix, feel free to commit and give me a comment! p.s I hope u to leave any fixes or comments :) - Cu.. 더보기
[Analysis] Adobe Flash v18.0.194 UAF Vulnerability (cve-2015-5119) 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
[Pentesting] Exploit Adobe Flash v18.0.194 (cve-2015-5119) Exploit Adobe Flash v18.0.194 (cve-2015-5119) 1. Exploit Info Under Adobe Flash 18.0.194, there is UAF(Use After Free) vulnerability using 'ByteArray' 2. Target Info- VictimIP Addr : : Windows 7 Ultimate x86 with ie11, flash v18.0.194 - HackerIP Addr : URL : : Kali Linux v2016.1 x86-64 3. ExploitThis time, we will try the exploit using .. 더보기
[Pentesting] Windows exploit with Word Macro Windows Exploit with Word Macro 1. Exploit Info Using Microsoft Word File to exploit Victim's computer. Inserting malicious vb codes into word macro. then when victim opens that file, the codes will be run reverse-shell 2. Target Information- Victim :IP Address : : mail.naver.comOS : Windows 10 pro x86-64 korMS Word ver : word 2016 professional plusAV : yes ( with virustotal.c.. 더보기