분류 전체보기 썸네일형 리스트형 [Plaid 2014] forensic : curlcore 2. Curlcore 1234Forensic - curlcoreWe managed to grab a memory dump off of The Plague’s computer while he was making a secure download. We think he may have been looking for new places to hide the Prime Factorizer. Can you figure out what messages were sent through his computer?Colored by Color Scriptercs First, Open the curlcore.sh and we could see the codes ... 1curl -k https://curlcore.local... 더보기 [Plaid 2014] forensic : bbos bbos 123456Forensic : bbos-----------------------------------------------------You have traveled back in time, but look, hunting The Plague is tough. You're really just going back to relax for a whilewithout having to worry about all that nonsense. As you walk in the park you stumble across someone's BlackBerry. Wow, people still use BlackBerry phones (time travel gets so confusing)? You figure .. 더보기 [Codegate 2016] pwnable : Fl0ppy Fl0ppy 123456789zero@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ctf/cg2016$ file ./Fl0ppy./Fl0ppy: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linkedzero@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ctf/cg2016$ gdb -q ./Fl0ppygdb-peda$ checksecCANARY : disabledFORTIFY : disabledNX : ENABLEDPIE : ENABLEDRELRO : disabledColored by Color Scriptercs 이번 문제도 32빝 바이너리에 메모리 프로텍션은은 까나리! 는 없고 대신.... PIE ㅠㅠ 아직 실행은 안해봤지만 귀찮아 지겠군요.... 더보기 [Codegate 2016] pwnable : Manager Manager 123456789zero@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ctf/cg2016$ file ManagerManager: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linkedzero@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ctf/cg2016$ gdb -q ./Managergdb-peda$ checksecCANARY : ENABLEDFORTIFY : disabledNX : ENABLEDPIE : disabledRELRO : PartialColored by Color Scriptercs 이번 문제는 x64 바이너리고 메모리 보호 기법은 WaterMelon 문제와 비슷하군요 12345678910111213141516171819zero@u.. 더보기 [Codegate 2016] pwnable : WaterMelon CodeGate 2016 Write Ups 시간이 없어 대회에 참가를 못해서 당일 문제를 풀지 못했는데 ( 물론 청소년은 아님 ), 셤이 끝나 좀 여유가 생겨 잉여잉여 롸업을 써보려 합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 일단 주위 아이들?! 에게 물어본 결과 WaterMelon 문제가 쉽다고 시간안에 건들어 볼 수 있었던 문제가 이거였다고 하니 이것부터 풀어보죠! 문제푼 환경은 x86-64 Ubuntu 16.04 환경을 기준으로 합니다. WaterMelon 123456789zero@ubuntu:~/Desktop/ctf/cg2016$ file WatermelonWatermelon: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linkedzero@ub.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ··· 36 다음