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Project/N-Tools ( Complete )

[N-Tools] 3. Day - ? 2013 - 10 - 19

짜잘한? 건 그냥 다 뺐습니다... ㅋㅋ


Project : N-Tools ( For Linux/Unix )


Purpose : Detecting Hacker's intrusion and Tools about Network for example Port Scanner , Sniffer , Network Testing , Etc... 


Language : C , C++

Compiler : Gcc (Ver 4)


Function : Port Scanning , Packet Generate , Sniffing with Packet Dump


Now Realization :

Port Scanner : 100 % + S  ( Stealth Option will be added soon )

Sniffer :  100 % + S ( Now Can catch all packets in network (Use SOCK_PACKET))

                            * SOCK_PACKET -> SOCK_RAW


그냥 Raw 소켓 사용하기로 했습니다